
Local meat product labels usually don't say 'organic' but mostly they are. Dairy products are delicious, especially ice cream. Even McDonalds used to mention "We use Ukrainian ingredients" in TV commercials. Vegetables are mostly seasonal. Fish is delicious but can have small bones when served in restaurant. Ready-to-go homemade food can be found in local stores.


Any clean cafe can offer hearty inexpensive dish of local food. Ask for 'borsch' beet soup, 'bliny' crêpes - thin stuffed pancakes, 'zharkoe' meat with potatoes and mushrooms in a clay pot.You must sure try out the chicken.Ukraine is a country of the chicken.It is cheap and you will get a lot on your plate.


Celentano pizza ( #1 on Faleevska/Lenina and #2 on Spaska/Lyagina, Bocas del Torro Radyanska between Potemkinska and Shevchenka: try every salad in the salad bar!, Bliny Don't forget to try out the rest of the food of Pizza Celentano. The service is good so is the atmosphere very cozy.

Blindage Radyanska/Velyka Mors'ka which is like an armory museum - waitress in military uniform will offer you a triple shot of vodka in real bullet casings and weapons of Soviet and German WWII armies

McDonalds Radyanska

Top end

Coliseum Radyanska/Shevchenko, Malakhit Moskovska/Spaska

Astoria - Great Food, Good Service, Good prices for American visitors